
I am a romance writer trying to get noticed in the market. I write inspirational and sweet historic romance. I love Regency England and most of my stories are set during that time period, 1800 to 1820.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Take back the night

There is a program in my city that's called "Take Back the Night". It's basically an anti-crime program trying to make the streets safe for people to walk.

I have my own program called "Take Back the Night". I have decided to not kill myself at work. I am not going to work SO hard that I am dead tired at night when I get home. I want to use my evenings for more than sitting on the couch.

With the American work ethic, you would think that the harder I worked, the more rewards I would reap. Well, it doesn't work that way in my office. If you work hard and get all your work done, you will be given more work, usually from a person who is goofing off.

Let's see if I have this right. I work my butt off and get my work done. Do I get a raise? No, I get more work. So now I am doing one-third of another's person work. . . . and she is getting paid the same as me.

What----am I nuts?

No. I am going to do what is necessary and not a minute more. . . . . and maybe sneak in some writing, too.

Will I get in trouble? Heavens no. I'll just stand around and complain about how much work I have. . . like other people do.


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